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The University of Houston School of Theatre & Dance is excited to announce our sixth annual 10-
Minute Play Festival for spring of 2018. We will begin accepting submissions for this festival on
August 31, 2017; the submission period closes on October 31, 2017.
Nine selected 10-minute plays
will receive a production as part of a multi-evening festival, produced in the newly upgraded José
Quintero Theatre on the University of Houston campus. This festival is open to all applicants,
amateur or professional.
Submission rules:
• Scripts will only be accepted during a submission window of August 31 through
October 31, 2017. Scripts received outside this window will not be accepted. The name of the winning play will be announced in November.
• We will accept only one play per playwright.
• Scripts should fall in the range of 8-12 pages and run roughly ten minutes. (Page count does not include the title page.)
• Characters in submitted plays should fall between the ages of 16-30 or else there should be no specific restrictions on the ages of the characters.
• Previously produced plays are not eligible.
• Musicals and plays for children are discouraged.
• Submissions will be acknowledged via email, but we do not offer critiques.
• The winning plays will receive productions in the José Quintero Theatre at the University of Houston in spring of 2018.
• There is no financial compensation for winning entries.
How to submit:
Plays must be submitted via email. There should be no identifiable information in the script.
Your email should include all of the following information:
• play title
• your name
• your mailing address
• your phone number
• your email address
Email play to: uhoustonplayfest@gmail.com
Send inquiries to: uhplayfestquestions@gmail.com
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Monday, October 30, 2017
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