Enter today for the chance to see your play performed by the 2nd Act Players, the dynamic new theater company in Evanston, Il. Entries should be from emerging authors and deal with 2nd Acts in people’s lives. Scroll to the bottom of the page to enter today. Once you’ve filled out the entry form, e-mail your script to:
johnnfrank@Evanston2ndAct Players.com
Contest basics:
- Eligibility: open to playwrights who were born, grew up, or now live within 200 miles of Chicago. (New York playwrights with Chicago connections welcome.)
- Plots: Plays should deal with 2nd acts in people’s lives, key turning points or major life-changing events. Comedies or dramas, or dramadies all welcome.
- Cast size : 6 or less characters
- Staging: minimal scenery/stage dressing/sound requirements.
- Length: 50 pages or less, standard script format
- No musicals, children’s plays, adaptations to works not in the public domain, or plays involving nudity of any kind.
- Prizes: $50 honorarium for each of two winning scripts.
- Entry deadline: May 1, 2016
But wait, there’s more…
- Plays should be new, unperformed works, or works that have been performed for less than 9 performances.
- The top two scripts, as judged by the 2nd Act Players board of directors, will become eligible to be produced by the 2nd Act Players in early 2017.
- 2nd Act Players will retain all performance rights for the winning scripts from the announcement of winners through June 2017.
- An individual may enter more than one script and win more than one prize in one year.
- The 2nd Act Players reserves the right to turn down any entry for not following these guidelines.
- Scripts to be submitted online only, in normal play script format, Word document file format or PDF and will not be returned. Include a one-page overview of the story.
- 2nd Act Players reserves the right to cancel the competition if no suitable scripts are submitted.