Variations Theatre Group, a nonprofit company run by highly qualified theater professionals, invites submission of one act and full length plays for its First Frost Festival at the classy Chain Theatre in Long Island City (near MOMA PS1) to be held between December 5th and December19th, 2015. There are no reading fees, submission fees or participation fees. We curate your work, select a few of them and, based on our evaluation, and run them for two weeks.
Deadline for submission is November 9, 2015.
- Plays could be one act or full length. There are no length restrictions.
- Each play will be shown at least three times during the course of the Festival, which will be held from the 5th to 19th of December 2015.
- Each play should bring its own production team.
- For more details and application form please visit our website
- Applications must be emailed on or before November 9, 2015
- Successful applicants will be notified on or before November 11, 2015.
For questions, please contact us at