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Monday, October 26, 2015


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An open call for submissions for a new collection of five-minute plays to be published by Smith and Kraus in 2016

Submit your Five-Minute Play here: http://bit.ly/5MinPlay

With the growing popularity of 10-minute plays over the past 20 years, it was only a matter of time (literally) before performers and audiences turned their attentions to even shorter theatrical works. Five-minute play festivals and competitions are popping up around the world. Student actors are forever looking for short works for classroom study, and these little theatrical nuggets provide unique challenges, such as quickly establishing character and emotional arcs.

So, we're gathering up a bunch of them--classic and contemporary examples of "conspicuously short" performance scripts. What's a five-minute play? You'll help us answer that by submitting YOURS for consideration. Playwrights receive $35 per published script. Questions? Contact us at submissions@fiveminuteplays.com.

(Know a good script that fits the criteria? Tell us about it!)

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