Hobo Junction Productions of Chicago is seeking ten-minute comedies for their 8th Annual Hobo Robo Competition, a three-night festival of short plays that revolve around the holiday season. This year’s festival is titled, “Hobo Robo 8: Hobos With Their Eyes All A-Glow.”
Every year, Hobo Junction selects a new theme that all submitted plays must adhere to – this year's theme is, as the title suggests, the holidays. Be it a satire of Black Friday consumerism, a parody of a famous Christmas film, or a farce set around a Thanksgiving table, the play must deal in some way with this celebratory season. Oh, and it should be hilarious.
This marks the company’s first partnership with Stage 773 after selling out performances the past two years at the Greenhouse Theater Center. Performances are December 14-16. Audience members vote on their favorite every night, and a winning play is declared at the end of the final night. The winning playwright will receive $100 prize money.
- Playwrights may submit up to two scripts each. None of the plays submitted should have been previously produced in Chicago or published. Staged readings and workshops are acceptable. Please adhere to a strict 10-page limit. We begin counting after the page that includes the character breakdown.
- Please leave all contact information off of the title page of your script - we want to make certain that our directors are able to read the semi-finalists blind before selecting their favorite to move to the finals (the festival) with.
- Electronic submissions only. Please e-mail all materials to hoborobo8@gmail.com, with the subject line “Hobo Robo 8 (title of the play).”
- Documents in PDF and DOC formats accepted.
- Submission deadline is October 31, 2015, at midnight. Selected plays will be announced no later than November 15.
- There is NO submission fee, so submit! What do you have to lose? (Answer: Nada.)
- Due to the high volume of submissions we receive each year, we will be unable to comment on individual scripts. We look forward to reading your work!