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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Babes with Blades seek full-length plays

Babes With Blades Theatre Company is a Chicago-based company, currently celebrating its 17th season!

Our unique mission, using stage combat to place women and their stories center stage, is at the heart of this playwriting competition. "Joining Sword & Pen" is the international playwriting competition we founded in 2005 to increase the number of quality scripts featuring fighting roles for women - and the 2015 competition is now open!

Just the facts:

Submission Deadline: 2/27/15

Prize for winner: $1,000 and production of the script in 2016 as part of BWBTC's season

Basic Requirements (full list of requirements on our site: www.BabesWithBlades.org)

1 - Only FULL LENGTH submissions will be accepted: 75-120 minutes (at least 60 pages) in length.

2 - The moment depicted in the 'inspiration' images (http://babeswithblades.org/?page_id=46) must be dramatized in the play.

3 - Women must be in most/all of the primary roles. Women must be featured in most/all of the combat. (Mixed cast is allowed)

4 - All submissions must be new, original works, inspired by the contest’s topic

5 - Submission Guidelines (found at: http://babeswithblades.org/?page_id=2707) must be followed.

Additional Questions?

Visit our JS&P History page and JS&P FAQ page. After that, if you’re still flummoxed, please email swordandpen@babeswithblades.org and we’ll help you out!

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