Following the success of Ourglass 2014, Open Tent Theater Company is thrilled to announce our first original short play festival, to take place this winter! Our evening of original short plays will allow numerous members of our theater community to showcase their talents as playwrights, actors, and directors--and you could be among them!
We are currently seeking short play submissions. Whether you are a published playwright or just starting out, we want to see your work! We will select 6-8 plays from among the submissions to be produced and performed in New York City.
Submission guidelines:
- Original play scripts with a 10-20 minute running time
- Cast of 2-4 characters
- Minimal technical elements necessary
- Comedy preferred
- All plays must be submitted in standard play format.
- Submission Deadline: October 5th, 2014
Feel free to email us with any questions or comments. And actors: stay tuned for an audition notice later this fall!