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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hudson Guild Theatre Company seeks work by women writers

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NOTE: this is for women residing in New York state only.

Hudson Guild Theatre Company seeks work by women writers for an upcoming production titled New York Ladies to be presented at the Hudson Guild Theatre in fall of 2013.

The show will be a theatrical collage of short pieces – monologues, sketches, songs, stories and poems -- all written by and about New York women.

We’re looking to explore the positive, vibrant attitude of so many women in our city, emphasizing the immense reservoirs of wit and vitality which are summoned under even the most difficult circumstances.

Send work for consideration by February 28, 2013 to jfurlong@hudsonguild.org.

For more information, contact:

Jim Furlong, Director of Arts
Hudson Guild
441 W. 26th Street
NY, NY 10001

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