Currently, Transient Theater is only producing one show a year. This isn't to discourage you from submitting your play; we just want you to understand we don't have a big staff and accepting submissions is something new for us. That being said, we'll be looking for a play to do in 2013 and we're willing to explore lots of possibilities. If you think we should read your play, please ask yourself the following questions:
- Does my play have 3 characters and minimal technical requirements? (We know that's harsh, but it's the only sort of play we're currently capable of producing.)
- Does my play speak to the mission* and values of Transient Theater?
- Is my play past the developmental stage and ready for a full production?
If you can answer "yes" to all 3 questions, then send us an email with a one page synopsis of the play. If we're interested in reading the full script, we'll let you know within a few weeks.
* Transient Theater strives to inspire new levels of understanding and empathy in its audience members by producing brave and smart plays in a sustainable way. We challenge our audience members to sympathize with someone they wouldn’t normally identify with in their day-to-day lives. At our most successful, we plant the seeds for a revolution of empathy to replace our culture of separateness. At the very least, we have fun trying.