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Friday, February 7, 2025


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Deadline: February 12, 2025

EMAIL: All scripts should be sent to theatre@valenciacollege.edu with the subject: 2025 One Act Festival. 

Please put your name in the file name, along with the title of the work being submitted. (For Example: EdgarAPoe.DreamWithinaDream) If submitting multiple works, please send in the same email, but as different files. Send only PDF or Microsoft Word files (No links to Dropboxes/Sharepoint, Cloud or similar.)

Valencia College in Orlando, Florida is looking for local/regional/national playwrights to work with the Valencia College Theatre Department (VC) on our annual student directed project titled “MEDIA” as part of their “Student Directed One Act Festival / Florida Playwright Competition” 2025.
The VC directing students will be creating a festival of 3 to 5 minute plays to be performed in Orlando in April 2025 in our Black Box Theatre. This is part of Valencia’s ongoing commitment to original theatre and the “Florida Playwright’s Competition” which has run each year since 1992.
(NOTE: Submissions accepted from all across the globe, does not have to be a Florida Based playwright)

Playwrights may submit up to (2) works each, either newly written or a previous work that fits the theme of “MEDIA” (see below)

THEME: “MEDIA” and specifically ‘SOCIAL MEDIA” can be interpreted in any way that you choose. Comedy, Drama, Farce, or any combination. The interpretation can be literal or figurative, whimsical or dark, social commentary and satire. (No musical works accepted at this time). This allows for a great deal of commentary on how both Media and Social Media play into our daily lives on a personal, regional, national and global level.

LENGTH: Time limit minimum of 3 minutes, maximum of 5 minutes each one act. (If a work is chosen that runs over, the directors will be encouraged to work with the playwright to edit into time span)

CAST: limited to 2 actors. Both characters must have an equal balance in the script. (One person plays are not included in the festival). NOTE: You can have an offstage voice as well if needed as long as it is minimally used.

TECH: The One Acts are staged in our 100 seat Black Box theatre, with minimal tech: The student directors will have access to 4 theatrical cubes, 4 chairs, one small table. Sound cues will be utilized, and minimum lighting and projections will be provided. Props/costumes as needed provided by the individual directors.

CASTING: The casting will come from Valencia College’s Acting Two classes, and open to all genders and gender identities, ages, ethnicities, etc. Open and inclusive casting for the scripts is necessary. Ages skew to the college age range.

STIPEND: If chosen, all playwrights will receive a stipend for the performance rights for their work. All playwrights will retain the rights for their work, but grant Valencia College Theatre the rights for performance and posting (online component if utilized) with full credit given. Contracts will be sent if a work is chosen. (Standard stipend is $75 per playwright for performance rights to the 5-minute one act. The works are performed twice and possibly filmed for online as well) Note: There is no ticket charge either in person or online.

DEADLINE: Scripts shall be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 – Notification to playwrights by February 21st, 2025

QUESTIONS: Please contact us at the above email.

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