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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

RESISTING FASCISM ~ Just Politics by Sophie Goldstein

Sophie Goldstein is a Jewish/Chicana writer from Los Angeles whose short plays have been seen in Los Angeles, Carpinteria, Illinois, and Michigan. She has received honorable mentions and placed in contests sponsored by WOW! Women Writing and Reedsy, was a 2022 writer finalist for the Ya Tu Sabes monologue competition sponsored by Nosotros, and her story "Garden in the City" was published in Anchor Magazine in 2017.

Whatever thoughts I or anyone else might have about the politics of Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris, the fact remains that, whether they want to acknowledge it or not, many men simply refused to vote for a woman. In a world that has seen the heights of the MeToo movement, the growing sense of Wokeness (basic human decency?), people of color demanding their rights and power, and an increasing number of women in leadership positions, it begs the question: are men, (the majority of Trump voters being White men), so terrified of losing their dominance, of being 'left behind,' that they would vote for a tyrant?
It would appear so. 

     ~ Excerpt published by permission, all rights held by the playwright.

If you enjoy a piece published in the RESISTING FASCISM project, we encourage you to reach out to the playwright to tell them so. If the playwright has not included an email address or website, let us know at info@nycplaywrights.org and we'll pass along your message.

SEAN: But, to be fair, you teach older students. 
SONYA: I don’t know how- 
SEAN: Trust me, it makes a difference. 
SONYA: Do you always interrupt this much? 
SEAN: What? 
SONYA: I can barely get a word in. 
SEAN: Sorry, professor, go ahead. 
SONYA:...when was the last time you went on a date? 
SEAN: That’s very personal. 
SONYA: Don’t answer if you don’t want to. 
SEAN: ...About two weeks ago. 
SONYA: And how’d it go? 
SEAN: If it had gone well, I wouldn’t be here. 
SONYA: So, you’re looking for a relationship? 
SEAN: Maybe. Aren’t you? 
SONYA: What does it say on my profile? 
SONYA: You didn’t even read it, did you? 
SEAN: I didn’t think I needed to. I saw your face and that was enough for me. You’re even better
in person. 
SONYA:...I need to use the restroom. 
SONYA exits. SEAN watches her leave. He sips his beer. He takes out his phone and looks at her profile. He shakes his head at something. He fidgets, clearly upset about what he saw. She re-enters and sits. 
SONYA: So, I’m thinking I’m going to go. I don’t- 
SEAN: What’s your deal?

SONYA: What? 
SEAN: ‘No Trump supporters?’ 
SONYA: So, you did read it. 
SEAN: Just now. 
SONYA: If you’d read it before, you could have saved us both a lot of trouble. 
SEAN: It’s kinda fucked up, don’t you think? Not dating someone just because of their politics. 
SONYA: It’s not just politics. 
SEAN: What if you meet your perfect match, but they voted for Trump? 
SONYA: Then they wouldn’t be my perfect match. 
SEAN: Women are crazy. 
SONYA: We’re the ones who are crazy? Us? Has a woman in power ever said to grab a man by his balls? 

SEAN: Oh, please- 
SONYA: Who was the last woman in power to be accused by multiple people of sexual assault?

SEAN: You- 
SONYA: You voted for a man who has said horrific things about Latinos, Black people, gay people, women- 
SEAN: He doesn’t mean that. 
SONYA: He doesn’t mean it? 
SEAN: The man has no filter. 
SONYA: So, you’re voting for a man who has no self-control.


Fascism update: Trump’s Gaza plan would violate international law, experts say 

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