Submit via Form:
No submission or participation fee
No eligibility restrictions; preference given to early-career writers
Multiple submissions allowed
Murmuration is now accepting work for 2024/2025 consideration in the following categories:
(1-45 pages) New Works Showcase: a selection of new short or one-act plays, fully staged and directed by our creative team.
(45-140 pages) Mainstage Production: a full length play, produced and directed by our creative team.
With optional additional consideration for:
Staged Reading Series / Workshops: One or more private developmental readings (cast by our team) and a public staged reading or workshop performance.
Not accepting: musicals, theatre for young audiences, one-person shows
Please feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns.
(45-140 pages) Mainstage Production: a full length play, produced and directed by our creative team.
With optional additional consideration for:
Out of the Wings Open Mic: a monthly selection of excerpts, performed on-book.
Staged Reading Series / Workshops: One or more private developmental readings (cast by our team) and a public staged reading or workshop performance.
Not accepting: musicals, theatre for young audiences, one-person shows
Please feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns.