Deadline: August 26, 2022 11:59PM BST
London UK
Are you a writer? We would love to hear from you! Unshaded Arts is staging its very first writing event! We are particularly looking to hear from writers from marginalised backgrounds though applications are open to everyone.
By marginalised, we refer to those who fall into groups that are overlooked as part of the ‘majority’, particularly by way of ethnicity. By foregrounding and contextualising such narratives and experiences in the scope of the human experience at large, we aim to unearth well-rounded characters who are not politicised through their (cultural) idiosyncrasies, but are instead used to propel entertaining and relatable storytelling within high-quality theatrical productions.
We will be staging our first new writing event "Universal" at Omnibus Theater, and are looking for short plays showcasing marginalized characters at the center of universal stories.
- 10-15 minutes in length
- 2-4 characters (no monologues)
- Simple staging requirements
- Unproduced