some scripts literary magazine is now accepting submissions for Issue 4: “Outbreak”!
This can refer to COVID-19, fascism, or anything that comes to mind: an outbreak of inspiration, an outbreak of solidarity, an outbreak of song. You are free to interpret “Outbreak” as you see fit. We are curious to read honest scripts for either Zoom, the radio, the stage, screen, radio, or other kinds of plague plays. We are also encouraging submissions of essays and reflections regarding the changing landscape of theatre as during the outbreak of COVID-19 and even what will be the theatre outbreak post-COVID.
Submissions from BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and womxn scriptwriters and essay writers are especially encouraged!
No deadline is currently set.
Please read the guidelines carefully below.
To submit to some scripts:
- Include a title page in a separate PDF document from the script, detailing your preferred name to be published, contact information, a short bio, and the title of the piece.
- Then include your piece as a separate document as a blind copy. PDF and Word document submissions are okay.
- Compile the title page PDF and blinded copy into an email addressed to or
- Feel free to say hello and introduce yourself in your cover letter! We love getting to know the larger scriptwriting community more and are so happy that some scripts continues to reach more people.
some scripts asks for first North American serial rights (FNASR) to publish online for Issue 4. After that, we ask for archival rights to archive your piece on our website. However, all rights revert back to you upon publication.
If your piece is published somewhere else later on, we only request you acknowledge some scripts literary magazine as the publication it originally appeared in. If your piece has appeared elsewhere and has permission to be reprinted in a curated online publication, we ask you help us with an appropriate acknowledgment its previous publication. We may ask for proof that it has permission to be reprinted before going ahead with its publication in our magazine.
We absolutely will not accept any work that is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, gratuitously violent, or otherwise harmful to a specific group of people.
At this time, we are unable to pay contributors. However, we are campaigning to start making that change. Please see our campaign on Ko-Fi to help us compensate future contributors!
Still have questions? Head to our FAQ page or feel free to contact us.