February is already here and so is the start of Primary Stages ESPA’s Spring Semester! Plus we’ve just announced 2 new classes and 2 new workshops! Here are some of the classes in our lineup of opportunities starting in February in the writing department:
Workshop: Kickstart Your First Draft - IN 2 WEEKS! STARTS FEB 13!
Instructor: Abe Koogler (Obie-winning Writer, Fulfillment Center at MTC)
Spark inspiration to kickstart your new play!
The First Draft - STARTS FEB 18!
This class will guide you through the development of your first draft, providing concrete deadlines, constructive feedback, and a collaborative environment to get your ideas on the page.
SECTION A with Suzanne Bradbeer (Writer, Confederates (Kilroys Honorable Mention))
SECTION B with Tasha Gordon-Solmon (Writer and Director; Faculty, NYU Graduate Playwriting Program)
The First Draft: Adaptation - STARTS FEB 16!
Instructor: Caridad Svich (Writer, OBIE Winner for Lifetime Achievement)
This class will guide you through the development of your first draft of an adaptation.
Write Your Own Hamlet - STARTS FEB 18!
Instructor: Kate Moira Ryan (Writer (with Judy Gold), 25 Questions for a Jewish Mother)
Write a full-length play using William Shakespeare’s Hamlet as a blueprint!
Writing for Zoom - STARTS FEB 22!
Instructor: Lia Romeo (Writer, 4-time Kilroy's List writer)
Learn how to write for this new virtual and socially distant platform.
Instructor: Nikkole Salter (Writer (with Danai Gurira), Pulitzer-nominated In the Continuum at Primary Stages; Actor, The Great Society on Broadway)
Delve into the specifics of playwriting structure and gain tools for structure to apply to any writing.
NEW! Fundamentals of Playwriting
Instructor: Dennis A. Allen II (Writer and Director, Atlantic Theater Co, National Black Theatre, The Lark)
Build a toolbox of the fundamentals, so your first play (and each play you write after that!) can be built on a strong foundation.
NEW! Workshop: The Storytelling of Marginalized People
Instructor: Chesney Snow (Creator, Soil Beneath at Primary Stages; Boxman in In Transit on Broadway and at Primary Stages)
Learn the history of diverse theatrical forms—such as hip-hop theater, spoken word, theater of the oppressed, and the choreopoem—and begin generating your own piece, pushing the boundaries of traditional theater and reimagining what the future can be.
NEW! Workshop: How to Create a Collaborative Virtual Space
Instructor: Zachary Fine (Writer, Bewilderness at Playmakers Rep; Actor, China Doll on Broadway, Timon of Athens and Measure for Measure at TFANA)
Learn the skills, games, and exercises needed to lead and invigorate any virtual space with joy, curiosity, and fun.
Classes begin in February. Start and end dates vary. Click here for the full list of writing classes.
Our award-winning faculty, comprised of working professionals in the field, provides practical skills and expert guidance in a collaborative community atmosphere.
Primary Stages ESPA provides students easy and convenient payment plans to break up tuition. For more information, call 212.840.9705 x215 or email espa@primarystages.org.