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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Ex/Post seeks work for ISSUE II

 web site

Deadline: October 15, 2020

Submissions for ISSUE II are open on Duosuma from September 1 to October 15, and BIPOC creators may simultaneously submit to our microgrant here. If you encounter any issues submitting over Duosuma, please let us know and send an email submission instead. Blog pitches are open year-round and not hosted on Duosuma. 

All submissions are read anonymously. We welcome people of all ages, ethnicities, and sexualities to submit. We are open to multiple and simultaneous submissions as long as you state such in your cover letter. Unless solicited, please submit only previously unpublished work; we do not consider work that has been featured on personal websites or social media as published.

All submissions should be in 12-point Times New Roman, with poetry single-spaced. Please do not include any identifying information within the body of the work submitted.

At this time, we are able to offer a modest honorarium to accepted writers. Upon acceptance, EX/POST MAGAZINE receives first North American publishing and archival rights. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. We ask that you credit us if the work is reprinted in the future.


Please send up to two one-act plays under ten pages each. Include a brief third-person biography with your cover letter.


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