LOW LIGHT by Allie Costa, directed by Rose Jangmi Cooper, featuring Muthu Jayatissa and Lekeathon Wilson, produced by Ixion Theatre Ensemble at The Robin Theatre in Michigan |
In 2019, I had the honor of having many of my plays produced and read at establishments all over the world.
Two Girls had staged readings in New York, Texas, and New Jersey, a production in New Hampshire, and was taught in a class at West Chester University in Pennsylvania which culminated in a performance. It was also published in an anthology.
- Low Light had its world premiere production in Michigan.
- Mindstream had its world premiere production in Hollywood.
- Heartsong had its world premiere production in Texas.
- California Here We Come had its world premiere in New York.
- Drop in the Ocean had its West Coast premiere in Hollywood.
- Boxes Are Magic was produced in New York, Michigan, and Utah, where it was also part of a new streaming web series. It also had a reading in Hollywood.
- Faking Glory was produced in Wisconsin and nominated for the Bartell Theatre Awards for Best Script and Best Director.
- A Taste of the Future was performed in Chicago and London.
- Do I Know You? was produced in Ontario, Canada.
- With This Ring had its world premiere in New York, as did my short pieces Heatwave, Someone, Not Just Anyone, and Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.
- In the Heist and Failure to Communicate were both performed in New Jersey.
- Who She Could Have Been was produced in Minnesota.
- Did You Floss? had its debut in the UK.
- Music of the Mind was produced in New York.
- Can You Keep a Secret? was presented in San Diego.
- Phantom Pains was seen in Spokane.
- Little Swan, a Pas de Deux and A Moment of Silence both had readings in New Haven.
- Safe Distance had staged readings in Denver and Los Angeles.
- Don't Fear the Reaper and Wolves Change Rivers had staged readings in Hollywood.
- Still She Lies Dormant had a reading in Hollywood.
- Tofurkey Day was performed live on the radio.