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The Children’s Play Initiative aims to highlight new works that inspire and engage children audience. Previously, we have showcased numerous successful productions in the cultural exchange between China and the United States which stands as the basis for the Lotus Lee Foundation. Winning entries will display a distinct understanding of the unlimited possibilities of theatre through compelling and dynamic stories with intriguing plots, fascinating characters and an informed global perspective.
Submission Rules
There is no entry fee. Please follow these guidelines in preparing your manuscript:
This contest is restricted to only plays written in the English language.
Submissions must be original, unpublished full-length plays written in English. Translations and adaptations are not accepted.
Plays that have been professionally produced or published are not eligible. Only plays that have had a workshop, reading, or non-professional production or that have been published as an actor’s edition will be considered.
Plays may not be under option, commissioned, or scheduled for professional production or publication at the time of submission.
Plays must be typed/word-processed, page-numbered, and in professional play format.
The Lotus Lee Foundation reserves the right to reject any manuscript for any reason.
The Lotus Lee Foundation reserves the right of the judge to not choose a winner for any given year of the competition and also reserves the right to determine the ineligibility of a winner, in keeping with the spirit of the competition, and based upon the accomplishments of the author.
Electronic submissions for the 2019 competition must be submitted no later than 11:59PM EST on July 1, 2019. You will receive a confirmation of your successful submission within two business days.
If you are submitting your play electronically, please omit your name and contact information from your manuscript. The manuscript must begin with a title page that shows the play's title, a 2-3 sentence keynote description of the play, a list of characters and a list of acts and scenes. Please enter the title of your play, your name and contact information (including address, phone number, and email address), and a brief biography where indicated in the electronic submission form.
We will only represent material for which we can be the exclusive licensing agent for the mainland China territory.
Submission deadline: 11:59PM, July 1, 2019 EST.
Winner announcement: September 1, 2019
The winner will be offered a licensing contract for the submitted play to be translated and produced in mainland China.
The Children’s Play Initiative aims to highlight new works that inspire and engage children audience. Previously, we have showcased numerous successful productions in the cultural exchange between China and the United States which stands as the basis for the Lotus Lee Foundation. Winning entries will display a distinct understanding of the unlimited possibilities of theatre through compelling and dynamic stories with intriguing plots, fascinating characters and an informed global perspective.
Submission Rules
There is no entry fee. Please follow these guidelines in preparing your manuscript:
This contest is restricted to only plays written in the English language.
Submissions must be original, unpublished full-length plays written in English. Translations and adaptations are not accepted.
Plays that have been professionally produced or published are not eligible. Only plays that have had a workshop, reading, or non-professional production or that have been published as an actor’s edition will be considered.
Plays may not be under option, commissioned, or scheduled for professional production or publication at the time of submission.
Plays must be typed/word-processed, page-numbered, and in professional play format.
The Lotus Lee Foundation reserves the right to reject any manuscript for any reason.
The Lotus Lee Foundation reserves the right of the judge to not choose a winner for any given year of the competition and also reserves the right to determine the ineligibility of a winner, in keeping with the spirit of the competition, and based upon the accomplishments of the author.
Electronic submissions for the 2019 competition must be submitted no later than 11:59PM EST on July 1, 2019. You will receive a confirmation of your successful submission within two business days.
If you are submitting your play electronically, please omit your name and contact information from your manuscript. The manuscript must begin with a title page that shows the play's title, a 2-3 sentence keynote description of the play, a list of characters and a list of acts and scenes. Please enter the title of your play, your name and contact information (including address, phone number, and email address), and a brief biography where indicated in the electronic submission form.
We will only represent material for which we can be the exclusive licensing agent for the mainland China territory.
Submission deadline: 11:59PM, July 1, 2019 EST.
Winner announcement: September 1, 2019
The winner will be offered a licensing contract for the submitted play to be translated and produced in mainland China.