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This competition is free to enter. There will be prizes and routes to production.
We are looking for Stage Plays that in some way touch upon ideas around building a sustainable society. If you’d prefer to create your story in a different format, click here. We will consider all genres – rom-com, literary fiction, science fiction, mystery, crime etc. – but stories must engage with the idea of environmentally sustainable practices and/or sustainable societies.
Most stories set in the future are dystopian, meaning they have a pessimistic view of society. We will consider all stories, but we encourage you to imagine a more positive settings and practices for your stories. You can find out more about why we recommend positive stories by clicking here. Do feel free to draw upon the resources in this Green Stories website to write your story (found in the menu on the homepage. Each page provides links to articles/videos that describe the ideas and also ideas for how such ideas may be integrated into stories.
The story doesn’t have to be about sustainability or climate change directly. A rom-com, for example, could be set in a society that replaces ownership with borrowing and the heroine goes to a clothes library to pick up a posh dress and borrow jewellery for her big date; or the hero in a crime drama could use a carbon credit card and hear the news in the background reporting on the wellbeing index instead of GDP; or the characters in a legal drama could live in a city where everyone has gardens on their roofs and generates energy from their own waste.
Our short story competition (deadline April 2018) has resulted in an anthology of the 20 best stories called ‘Resurrection Trust’ which will be published 20th March 2019 and available on Amazon. This may well provide some inspiration.
Stage Play Guidelines
Deadline: 30th June 2019
Length: min 1 hour 15 minutes max 2 hours (typically 60-80 pages)
Prizes: £750: 1st prize £500, 2nd prize £100, third prize £50 plus £50 for best student submission (18-25 years) and £50 for best < 18 year submission.
Staging of winning play: Live Your Values production company have said they will read all top-rated scripts with a view to putting on a production in 2020 with a community based theatre group.
Full Guidelines
The closing date for all entries is 30th June 2019.
This competition is free to enter. There will be prizes and routes to production.
We are looking for Stage Plays that in some way touch upon ideas around building a sustainable society. If you’d prefer to create your story in a different format, click here. We will consider all genres – rom-com, literary fiction, science fiction, mystery, crime etc. – but stories must engage with the idea of environmentally sustainable practices and/or sustainable societies.
Most stories set in the future are dystopian, meaning they have a pessimistic view of society. We will consider all stories, but we encourage you to imagine a more positive settings and practices for your stories. You can find out more about why we recommend positive stories by clicking here. Do feel free to draw upon the resources in this Green Stories website to write your story (found in the menu on the homepage. Each page provides links to articles/videos that describe the ideas and also ideas for how such ideas may be integrated into stories.
The story doesn’t have to be about sustainability or climate change directly. A rom-com, for example, could be set in a society that replaces ownership with borrowing and the heroine goes to a clothes library to pick up a posh dress and borrow jewellery for her big date; or the hero in a crime drama could use a carbon credit card and hear the news in the background reporting on the wellbeing index instead of GDP; or the characters in a legal drama could live in a city where everyone has gardens on their roofs and generates energy from their own waste.
Our short story competition (deadline April 2018) has resulted in an anthology of the 20 best stories called ‘Resurrection Trust’ which will be published 20th March 2019 and available on Amazon. This may well provide some inspiration.
Stage Play Guidelines
Deadline: 30th June 2019
Length: min 1 hour 15 minutes max 2 hours (typically 60-80 pages)
Prizes: £750: 1st prize £500, 2nd prize £100, third prize £50 plus £50 for best student submission (18-25 years) and £50 for best < 18 year submission.
Staging of winning play: Live Your Values production company have said they will read all top-rated scripts with a view to putting on a production in 2020 with a community based theatre group.
Full Guidelines
- The competition is open to all nationalities, but plays must be written in English and unpublished for the duration of the competition.
- Green Stories competitions aim to increase positive views of the future. All plays must contain ideas that solve the environmental, social or economic challenges our world faces today; or be in a world that has moved past environmental damage and extreme economic inequality.
- Plays must be written for the stage for more than one actor with a running time of 70 – 120 minutes. (full length)
- By entering the competition, the writer affirms that their entry is original, and they have sole rights to all matters contained within the play.
- The authors name and contact details must be removed from all pages of the script. All pages to be numbered.
- The first page of each script should include a completed play synopsis of no more than 200 words, a list of characters, a description of setting.
- The organisers will not accept responsibility for the loss of scripts in transit.
- The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence concerning the results will be entered into.
- Play submissions that do not comply with all competition rules will be read in their entirety but may be discounted from the competition without notification to the writer.
The closing date for all entries is 30th June 2019.
- Live Your Values Ltd will consider all scripts for production in a community theatre with volunteer performers.
- If a winning script is produced by the Live Your Values Ltd, the prize money will replace royalties for a three-night run.
- Judges will consider:
- Entertainment – is the audience’s attention captured and held?
- Characters – distinctive characters people can identify with, so they care what happens to them.
- Message – a clear idea for the future that the audience is likely to understand.