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Submissions for the 2019 Marathon of One Act Plays will be accepted from June 1, 2018 through August 1, 2018.
Non-member playwrights may submit a single script, no longer than 30 minutes, which has not been reviewed in New York. We prefer email submissions, which can be sent to literary@estnyc.org.
Please include your name and contact information in the body of your email but send the script without identifying information.
Submissions for the 2019 Marathon of One Act Plays will be accepted from June 1, 2018 through August 1, 2018.
Non-member playwrights may submit a single script, no longer than 30 minutes, which has not been reviewed in New York. We prefer email submissions, which can be sent to literary@estnyc.org.
Please include your name and contact information in the body of your email but send the script without identifying information.