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Saturday, July 28, 2018

11th International Festival of Horror Radio Plays

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The submission window for Deathscribe 2018, the 11th Annual Festival of Horror Radio Plays, is from May 1 to July 31, 2018. Submissions are accepted through our online submission form.
Every year we seek 10-minute radio scripts that are genuinely scary, imaginative, chilling, intelligent, suspenseful, horrific or downright grotesque. Writers may submit up to two radio plays to Deathscribe in any given year. Five scripts will be selected from all submissions. These five pieces will be performed on stage in front of a live audience. The writer of the winning piece, chosen by a celebrity panel of judges, will receive the coveted Bloody Axe Award, as well as a $100 cash prize.


PDF format is strongly preferred. If PDF is not possible, then only MS Word please.
All scripts must have a title page with all contact information, but NO identifying information should appear anywhere else in the document.

Scripts must be no more than TEN MINUTES in length, and should follow radio drama format. An example of proper radio drama format can be found here: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/writersroom/scripts/bbcradioscene.pdf

The Deathscribe experience includes performing the pieces on stage with Foley artists and a band creating the sound effects and music live. Therefore, scripts must be ready to produce, including direction for sound and music cues. Sorry, but submissions cannot include usage of copyrighted music.

Writers may submit up to two (2) scripts for Deathscribe consideration in any year.
NO SCREENPLAYS. SCREENPLAYS WILL BE DISCARDED. WE KNOW THEM WHEN WE SEE THEM. (Nothing against screenplays. But this is a radio play festival.)

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