2017 is the inaugural year of The Future Is Female Festival, a national festival with 22 outposts across the United States. As the only in MPLS, Pretty Shrew Productions invites female-identified playwrights of all intersecting identities to create short plays on the subject “the future is female” and what that looks like and/or means to them.
The Future Is Female Festival: MPLS will consist of five plays to be performed as staged readings with professional actors from the Twin Cities at the Playwrights' Center. Selected playwrights will receive a monetary prize for their contribution.
All submisions must be received by 5:00pm on Tuesday, March 7th, 2017.
The Future Is Female Festival will take place at the Playwrights' Center on Monday, March 27th at 7:00pm.
Play must adhere to the theme “the future is female”
Plays must have 1-5 actors maximum
Must be 5-10 minutes in length
The Future Is Female Festival celebrates the diversity of female voices - please include a brief, informal statement (200 word max) describing how your play makes an impact regarding this theme
5-12 double-spaced pages, size 12 font, Times New Roman preferred (anything over 15 minutes will not be considered)
Submit in PDF format only
Email submissions to prettyshrewproductions@gmail.com with "TFIF: MPLS Submission" in the subject line - there is no limit to the number of plays an individual playwright can submit
All playwrights will be notified of their status in the week following the submission deadline
If you would like to help out with the festival in other ways, please email prettyshrewproductions@gmail.com with "I want to help TFIF: MPLS" in the subject line and include your areas of expertise. Currently, Pretty Shrew Productions is looking for a stage manager, assistance with fundraising and house management.
This March, join in giving visibility and voice to women from all backgrounds, so that instead of celebrating women’s history, we can celebrate women’s futures.
Find out more about the background of this festival at www.thefutureisfemalefestival.com/.
If you'd like to make a kind donation to the project, check out www.YouCaring.com/TFIFMPLS
We look forward to receiving your submissions!