The Institute of Prophetic Activist Art ( is starting an Activist/Advocacy-oriented 10-minute Playwright's Group. The group will comprise 8 playwrights who will write a 10-minute play for every class, dealing in some manner with our social/political/cultural life for a total of 8 sessions (8 ten-minute plays in all). We will be meeting on Tuesday afternoons, 2-5 pm: April 5, 12, 19; May 10, 17, 24, 31 and June 7.
There is no fee to apply, but a $20 fee if accepted to defray the cost of renting space.
Please send a cover letter detailing a little bit about your activist impulse/background, and a 10-minute play or 10-page writing sample to
Submission deadline is March 21.
Submission deadline is March 21.