Applications will be accepted through December 4, 2015 for Red Eye’s 32nd annual Works-In-Progress program.
In response to comments and suggestions from past participants, Works-In-Progress was re-structured several years back to provide developmental support over a six-month period and now features more critical response and reflection involving artist-to-artist facilitated feedback sessions. As a result, artists selected to participate have the opportunity to explore and experiment with conceptual and staging ideas over an extended timeframe. Participants receive artistic feedback and response at critical points throughout the developmental period, concluding with a final debriefing following the June performances. Works-In-Progress is linked to Red Eye’s Isolated Acts program, with both functioning as key components of the annual New Works 4 Weeks festival.
The emphasis of Works-In-Progress is on the process of developing an original piece for performance, primarily in terms of its conceptual development and staging. The series is designed to serve emerging artists who are exploring new directions in pieces that would benefit from an extensive reflective process and are best suited to an alternative venue for development. Projects in which the primary artists are current undergraduate students are not eligible for this program.
Interdisciplinary, multimedia and collaborative works are encouraged, as are works not only by theater artists, but also by artists crossing over to the stage from their primary discipline.
A direct stipend of $550 is provided for each project selected, a portion of which is designated for production costs. In addition to feedback throughout the development process, participants have access to Red Eye’s technical resources, including rehearsal space. Red Eye also provides a lighting designer and production manager for the public performances, all promotion of the series, and an opening night reception.
Participants are expected to give their works production values (minimal as they may be), and move beyond a staged reading.
Participants are responsible for all elements of production, including casting, design, and direction.
The series is open to works of any length, from which A MINIMUM OF 10 AND A MAXIMUM OF 15 MINUTES will be excerpted for presentation.
Participation is required in at least five of the seven group feedback sessions.
Should a piece receive subsequent production, credit must be given to Red Eye for developmental support.
The series is not open to critical review.
Four to five projects are selected each year by a panel consisting of Red Eye company artists and past WIP participants. Applicants will be notified by phone or e-mail by December 21, 2015 about the panel’s decision.
Selected participants must be able to attend an informational meeting 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Monday, January 4, 2016. Rehearsal space will be available from that date through performance.
Works-In-Progress 2016 will be presented for four public performances Thursday-Sunday, May 26-29, 2016.