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PLAYWRIGHTS - Seeking Scripts: Summer Season 2015 Open to Submissions!!
Moonlit Wings Pro, celebrated entertainment production in the National Capitol Area & beyond, is accepting play and musical script submissions for our professional Performing Arts Camp for youth ages 7-14. Selected scripts will be workshopped and produced this summer by a DC creative team & playwrights will receive a production review with materials.
-Plays or Musicals (straight plays are fine, although we will ask to work music into your play)
-Runtime: 20-40 minutes (hour long scripts may be submitted but we will ask to make necessary cuts)
-LARGE cast, 15 minimum - 35 maximum, ensemble shows preferred, female driven or gender neutral casts encouraged
-Material suitable to be performed by talent ages 7-14
Our theme this year is: "Season VIII: ‘GREAT 8: Championing our greatest qualities that make us unique " and we are especially seeking stories about embracing our differences and celebrating our similarities.
Since 2008, MWP has mounted over 40 world-premieres of new theatre-for-youth workshop productions every summer. This summer we are selecting 4 brand-new shows to workshop and produce. Each show rehearses for a 2-week session with a professional director, choreographer, & tech director/stage manager and concludes with a public performance at the end of each session. Playwrights are given a thorough production review from the creative team and the chance to debut and promote their work with our leading youth arts organization. This is our 8th year in partnership with the Fairfax County Park Authority (est. in 1950), the 6th largest county in the USA, located in the National Capital Area. More at moonlitwings.org or watch this short documentary from our 5-Year-Anniversary: http://youtu.be/WT0BmFwv6hs.
DEADLINE: Friday, April 3, 2015
**Please email the following to info@moonlitwings.org with the header: "2015 Show Submission - TITLE HERE"
Then in the body of the email include the following info (bullet-points/list responses are okay):
-Your Name
-Phone Number
-Are you part of an organization or group? If so, which one?
-Title? Is this a play or musical?
-Has this work been produced before?
-A VERY brief synopsis of the show (3-5 sentences)
-Does your entry relate to our "Great 8" theme (suggested, but we’re open to all submissions)? If "Yes", how so?
-Cast size / Runtime
-Attach the script
We will reply to selected playwrights by or before May 2015. Our past collaborations have been with authors having work published by NYC's Beat By Beat Press, Playscripts Inc., Eldridge Publishing, and several independent literary organizations. Please forward all questions to info@moonlitwings.org. Thank you for your interest!
LIKE us at Facebook.com/MoonlitWingsPro
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Moonlit Wings seeks plays for young audiences
Labels: musicals, one-act plays, short plays, young audiencesBlog Archive
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