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Send us your full length plays. Long one-acts, two-acts, three-acts if you think you have what it takes! We can take it, and...well...we want it. These will be considered for our regular theatre season (not for THEATRE ROULETTE, I repeat...not for THEATRE ROULETTE). Bring it on, playwrights. We want you! We need some length.
To maximize your chance of selection, please read all the guidelines carefully before submitting.
All submissions should be send to andy@madlab.net
Please put “MADLAB 2016 SEASON” in the subject line.
Submissions must arrive no later than April 1st, 2015.
We are looking for plays that are a bit off the beaten path. Things that are different, edgy, strange, unique, etc. I think you get our drift here.
Though we are up for anything, ideally, scripts should be long one-acts (70-90 minutes) or two-act plays (100-120 minutes). If you have something else longer, please feel free to send it on.
You may submit multiple scripts. If you are submitting multiple scripts, please include them all in a single email.
Please include your name, address, phone number, and email address in the body of your email message.
Script submissions WILL NOT be returned to the applicant; MadLab will destroy all evidence of your creative instincts upon a funeral pyre at an undisclosed location in order to protect both the innocent and the guilty. Ashes will NOT be returned to you unless you purchase a commemorative urn from MadLab at the bargain basement price of $999.95.
Due to our environmentally conscious president, you must email your script to us. Please send your script attached as a Microsoft Word document or PDF format. Scripts should be emailed to andy@madlab.net. Please put “MADLAB 2016 SEASON” in the subject line. If “MADLAB 2016 SEASON” is not in your subject line, your submission may not be received. All submissions will receive a reply email to ensure that your submission was received.
MadLab pays a royalty of $200 + 10% of our box office for any playwright that is gracious enough to allow us to produce his/her work. We know this will not be anywhere near worth the time and effort you put into writing your play, but we are happy that every little bit helps.
If you’ve made it through all of this, congratulations. At least you’ve got the potential patience to deal with the travails of theatrical production. If you have any questions, please email them to Artistic Director Andy Batt atandy@madlab.net
Thanks for your interest. Good luck with your submission, and regardless of the outcome here, be sure to keep writing and producing new works.
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Blog Archive
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