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Monday, December 29, 2014

Pigs Do Fly Productions is seeking 10-minute contemporary comedies

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Pigs Do Fly Productions is seeking 10-minute contemporary comedies for vibrant, healthy people over 50 who are doing interesting things with their lives, for a new production in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, fall of 2015.

1. The simple setting is limited to: use of a small rectangular table, a pedestal table and four chairs. (No bedrooms, full kitchens, etc.)

2. Cast of two to four people (All must be age range 50 or older). (No monologues).

3. Must be a comedy for casts all over the age of 50.

4. Firm: 10 page limit on scripts using 12 point font.

5. Straight, gay and bi comedies sought.

6. Limited to two submissions per playwright.

7. Playwrights may be from anywhere, but scripts must be in English.

8. Plays must be in standard play format with numbered pages.

9. Email your scripts as a pdf document.

10. The subject line of your email should include your name and the title of the play.

11. No submission fee.

12. Please don’t raise ages in a script currently on your computer and send it along. It rarely works.

13. Not looking for skits. Play should have a beginning, a middle and an end.

Submit via email to:


Submissions must be received by midnight (E.S.T.) January 2, 2015

-Questions? Contact Artistic Director Marj at PigsDoFlyFL@yahoo.com

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