Writers Guidelines (PDF)
How to Submit:
Send hard copies of your play to our office:
ArtAge Publications
7845 SW Capitol Hwy Ste 12
Portland OR 97219
We do not return scripts. Thank you for understanding that it takes a while to read, approve, and accept new scripts and materials for our collection. Your patience is appreciated.
Thank you for your interest in ArtAge Publications. We’re excited to read your work. In these guidelines you’ll learn how to format the play, where to send your script, and other related information. Please understand that accepting new works is often a lengthy process. Your patience is appreciated. Again, thanks for sending us your shows!
What to submit: Senior Theatres perform plays and musicals of all lengths, but short shows which run up to 20 minutes are the most popular. Directors look for plays with mainly female or women-only casts in comedies that require few technical elements for ease of touring and can be done as readers theatre. Successfully performed shows have a majority of, or senior-only, up-todate, feisty older characters in current situations playing roles that challenge performers, yet are fun to stage.
Use our format:
Type your play on standard size 8.5" x 11" paper. Always number your pages consecutively. Never reset page numbers when you change acts or scenes.
Use 1 inch margins all the way around. If your play will be in a binder, add 1/2 inch to the left margin so the text will be at 1 inch when it is read.
Use a common, easy to read 12 point font such as Palatino, Courier New, or Times New Roman. Type dialogue in regular font and stage directions in italics. Avoid bold and excessive underlining. Also avoid indents and tabs. Your text should run margin to margin.
Begin with a title page that follows the attached example page. Your title and name go in the middle of the page. Put your name, address, telephone number and email in the lower right corner. If you wish, you may put a copyright statement in the lower left corner.
The next page is for your cast list. Using the example, center your title and name at the top. Double space. Type CAST. Double space. Put character names in CAPS with a colon at the left margin. Follow with a brief description. After your cast list designate Time and Place. Be brief.
ArtAge Senior Theatre Resource Center, 800-858-4998