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Monday, April 29, 2013

NYCPlaywrights April 2013 Play of the Month video part 1: OUT LIKE A LAMB by Cassie M. Seinuk

VIEWER ADVISORY: this video clip contains obscene language.


Cassie M. Seinuk on the play:
The play was inspired by the idea that Spring is a resurrection. I was really interested in exploring a character that didn't want to be resurrected and how the Spring air, the beauty of Spring, was his sign to take the final plunge into a whole new rebirth. I also wanted to explore the idea that sometimes a person can't "be happy" just because and how hard it is for the people around them, who love them, to understand that.
More about the author and the cast here.

The following plays were also selected for the April 2013 Play of the Month - video recordings will be posted soon:
  • THE CLUTTERED MIND by Robert S. Robbins
  • MOLES. EAT WORMS. by Steve Mielczarek
  • MY NEW YORK SPARE ROOM by Kevin Jones
  • SPRING CLEANING by Penny Jackson

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