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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hobo Junction seeks 10-minute plays

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Hobo Junction Productions, the Chicago theater company behind the original musicals “Bad Guys in Suits” and “The Regulars,” is seeking ten-minute comedies for their 4th annual short play festival, Hobo Robo 4: Hobos in Hollywood.

Every year, Hobo Junction selects a new theme that all submitted plays must adhere to – this year's theme is, as the title suggests, Hollywood. Be it a humorous statement on celebrity lifestyle, a satire of the film industry, a parody of your favorite film, or a dark comedy about a drug-abusing rock star (stereotypes are beautiful), the play must deal in some way with the entertainment industry. Oh, and it should be hilarious.

  • Playwrights may submit up to three scripts each, so long as none of the three have been previously published or professionally produced. Staged readings and workshops are acceptable. Scripts should not be longer than ten pages each.
  • Please include writer contact information on the title page of each script, as well as a cover letter telling us a little bit about yourself.
  • Electronic submissions only. Please e-mail all materials to hobojunctionsubmissions@gmail.com, with the subject line “Hobo Robo 4 (title of the play).”
  • Documents in PDF and DOC formats accepted.
  • Submission deadline is February 18th, 2012. Selected plays will be announced no later than March 1st.
  • Hobo Robo 4 will be hosted at the Strawdog Theatre from March 19th through the 21st. A winning play will be determined by the audience at festival's end. 
  • Due to the high volume of submissions we receive each year, we will be unable to comment on individual scripts. We look forward to reading your work!

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