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The Strand currently seeks script submissions for its 2012-2013 season and the summer Friends and Neighbors Festival for 2012. The Strand encourages creative and innovative scripts. The Strand encourages submissions by women with roles for women. The Strand will select plays that are relevant, well-written, and experiment with new theater conventions.
About Friends and Neighbors: The Friends and Neighbors Festival is a five week-long festival that includes a new script performed at the Strand every weekend for five weeks with an admission price of $5. The Friends and Neighbors Festival was created to give local artists a chance to perform experimental pieces in front of an audience with the support of a fully functional theater. The Friends and Neighbors Festival also allows theater patrons to explore new works affordably. All playwrights are given a stipend of $100. Plays are fully produced by the Strand Theater, on a small budget. Playwrights are supplied with a director and stage manager, and given use of the Strand space on a sign up basis.
Season Plays: A season play must be full length. The Strand seeks innovative plays that break conventional theater standards and put a focus on the lives of women.
Friends and Neighbors Festival: The Strand encourages playwrights, performers, comedians, all walks of life, to submit to the FN Fest. The FN Fest accepts performance pieces that range from traditional plays to performance art to workshops. Everything is encouraged. There are no limitations! If you are not submitting a traditional play, please submit a written statement describing your proposed performance or idea. For possible inclusion in the 2012 Friends and Neighbors Festival, please send plays by Monday, January 9, 2012. New plays granted a production will be selected by Monday, February 13, 2012. If you have submitted your play to past Friends and Neighbors Festivals, please resubmit for consideration this year. The Strand will not produce plays that have previously been produced in Baltimore.
For ANY questions regarding script submissions, please email Jayme Kilburn: jayme@strand-theater.org Please only submit plays to submissions@strand-theater.org and fill out the required online form for each play submitted found HERE.
Because of the high volume of scripts submitted, the Strand is unable to produce progress reports for individual plays. The Strand will send a mass email to playwright's whose plays were not accepted into the Season or Festival, and call individual playwright's who are being produced. Please only submit electronically. Please do not send any plays to Jayme Kilburn, Artistic Director. Only submit to submissions@strand-theater.org.
Go to the web site for additional submission requirements
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Blog Archive
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