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Monday, June 24, 2019

Onion Man Productions 10th Anniversary Harvest show of 10-minute plays

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Onion Man Productions is accepting submissions for its 10th Anniversary Harvest show of 10-minute plays to be produced in October 2019.

This year’s show will celebrate Onion Man’s past, embrace our present situation, and look forward to our future.  While we don’t have a specific theme for this year’s show, we are seeking plays that deal with letting go of the past, new beginnings and/or “rising from the ashes.”

Submissions should contain 2-4 characters (6 maximum), simple set and prop requirements (able to tour), and provide opportunity for diverse casting.

Adult language and content is permitted as long as it is relevant to the story and not simply utilized to be “edgy.”

Submissions cannot be previously produced in the Atlanta Metro Area.

Limit 2 submissions per playwright.  Please send each submission in a separate email.

Email submissions to onionmanproductions@gmail.com    onionmanproductions@gmail.com

In the subject line type: Your Name - Name of Play - H19

Be sure to include your contact information (email and telephone) in the body of the email.  All scripts must be attached as a PDF.  No other file types will be accepted.


(with special consideration for playwrights residing in Georgia)

PAY:  $25 stipend

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