Deadline: November 1, 2024
The Dreidel Diaries - Stories of life’s gambles and the discoveries that come with taking a big risk.
For our Hanukkah Candlelight Storytelling Event.
Life is a game of chance – with real-world consequences. Did you take a big gamble that paid off in a new career or a passionate romance? Did you play the game only to discover that the prize wasn’t what you really wanted? Did your luck run out, leaving you to rethink your dreams? And how did Jewish values or identity impact your choices? Send us your witty, woeful, or winning stories of a time when you took a bold risk in life. What happened, and how did it change you?
- How long can the story be that I’m submitting?
- For Salon Theatre no more than 1500 words.
- For StoryNosh no more than 750 words.
- Please do not submit a full length play.
- All one-acts must be 5 pages or less with no more than two characters.
Do I have to be Jewish to submit?
No, you need not be Jewish to submit, but we prefer the work to have some Jewish content or Jewish resonance. All are welcome to submit.
Can I submit more than one piece?
Yes. However, each piece needs to be submitted separately.
What if my piece doesn’t fit the theme?
Please do not submit your work unless it fits the theme.
If my work is accepted, is there remunerations?
Yes, all works selected are given an honorarium. Written pieces that are selected for Salon Theatre will be given an honorarium based on the number of times the work is performed in the show for which it was selected. Writers also receive royalties if works are reprised. With StoryNosh, you will win a $100 prize for being selected.
My story has previously been published/produced. Can I still submit?
Previously produced or published work is welcome. Please include production and/or publication history.
Can I submit my musical?
We encourage composers, song-writers, and performers to submit one song from a musical, or one scene with a song with no more than two characters. Full length musicals will be rejected without reading.
Is there an age limit to submit?
Submissions are open to writers of all ages.
Does The Braid assume rights to my piece?
No. You give us permission to distribute your story digitally and/or perform it live. However, you retain all the rights to your story.
When I will be notified if my piece is selected?
We read every piece submitted at least twice, a process that takes time. If we plan to use your work in an upcoming Salon show or StoryNosh, we will contact you by email within two weeks of the performance date or Youtube release date. Please check our website for posting of those dates. If we cannot use your piece this season, we will keep it in our files for possible future use, when it may be better suited to another theme.
What happens if my story is selected?
All selected pieces will be edited and adapted by our skilled dramaturges to fit The Braid’s theatrical style. All edits will receive your approval before production begins.
Your work will then be performed by professional actors and produced by The Braid’s production staff.
You will receive an honorarium for your written piece included in our Salon Theatre based on the number of times it is performed in the show for which it was selected. You will also receive royalties whenever the piece is reprised. With StoryNosh, you will win a $100 prize for being selected.
Why would I submit to StoryNosh instead of a Salon Theatre show?
You can submit to both as long as you do not exceed the word limits for each and your story relates to the theme. StoryNosh just allows us to explore additional themes in a digital format that are different from our Salon Theatre series.
Can I perform my own story?
No. Writers do not perform their own work. However, in rare cases, we will allow a writer/performer to perform their own story. Writer/performers will need to send a performance reel along with their submitted story.