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Saturday, November 2, 2024

LSU SciArts Play Festival 2025


Deadline: November 22, 2024 at 5 PM

Submit via submission form at the website

The LSU SciArts New Play Festival is now accepting submissions for original plays that explore the intersection of science and art. We’re seeking innovative stories where science plays a central role in the narrative. Selected playwrights will have the opportunity to workshop their plays, receive a
$500 reward, and travel to Baton Rouge for our festival, which will take place from April 13-15, 2025.

Additionally, playwrights selected will receive a grant and recognition of their contribution to the festival.

A panel of theatre and science faculty will evaluate submissions and select the top three plays for the festival.

Selected playwrights will be notified via email by February 1, 2025.

For your submission to be considered, the play must meet the following criteria:
  • Be original, unpublished, and never performed.
  • Should be full length, and run at least 60 minutes.
  • Science must be a core element of the story. Incorporate accurate scientific principles or discoveries into the storyline. Avoid focusing on a purely medical drama unless there is substantial scientific content outside the medical field. No science fiction plays will be considered.
  • Upload a PDF file. Include a cover page with: The title of the play. Your name and contact information (email, phone number, address). Ensure that your name appears only on the cover page, not within the script.
  • Follow standard playwriting format: 12-point Courier font. Dialogue should be centered, with characters' names in all caps above their lines. Stage directions should be indented and italicized. Scene headings and any transitions should be clearly labeled. Include page numbers at the top right of each page after the cover page.
For inquiries or assistance, please contact Marina DeYoe-Pedraza at mdeyoe1@lsu.edu.

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