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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Furious Gazelle submission guidelines

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Before you submit to the Furious Gazelle, ask yourself the following about your submission: Does it have a good story? Is it compulsively readable? Are you a living human being who has written some words? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, we encourage you to submit.

We consider short fiction, micro fiction, poetry, short plays, novel excerpts, and creative non-fiction.


Poetry – please submit no more than 5 pages of poetry at a time.

Prose (fiction and nonfiction) – up to 7,000 words. (If submitting flash, please submit no more than 5 individual pieces at a time.)

Plays – please submit no more than 20 pages at a time.


Please submit your work as .doc, .docx or .pdf files. We’re flexible on formatting as long as your formatting is clear and easy to read. Please do not paste your story into the body of an e-mail.

Also, please note if you have special formatting as it sometimes does not display correctly in Word. This way we can check with you if something looks incorrect. I.e. if your poem about whales is in the shape of a whale, tell us.

Plays should be in standard play format.


Send your work to submit@thefuriousgazelle.com following the formatting and length guidelines listed above. If you don’t, we’ll find you. And make you.

Just kidding. But we are angry.

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