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Deadline: September 1, 2021 11:59 PM
BBC Children’s Animation is looking for fresh, bold, innovative new animation ideas for a fully funded development opportunity.
You may be taking your first steps into animation, be a long-standing industry professional with something you’ve always wanted to explore or a production company or animation studio with an exciting new idea. Whatever your level of experience, They want to see your proposal with a view to developing it into an Industry Standard proof of concept with living breathing characters in a world that children will love.
Up to three ideas will receive full development funding to create two minute animated pilots which will be considered for a commission by BBC Children’s.
They’re looking for submissions from sole creators over the age of 18, collectives, animation studios, production companies, or anything in-between, where creatives would like to co-develop with the BBC rather than engage with the BBC via the usual commissioning process (where applicable).
If you’re a sole creator they can help you find a creative team to help build authentic and engaging characters and stories for Children in the UK and around the world.
The criteria for selection are wide and could include any of the following: originality, engagement for children, innovation, potential to run to multiple series, reaching an underserved section of our audience, international appeal, relatable storytelling and recognisable characters. But central to any idea must be that the stories, settings and characters represent the British culture and values.
How to submit your idea
Initial ideas must be submitted as a pdf document via the BBC Uploader on a single side of A4. Please note, they will not accept ideas via email or BBC Pitch. Read the BBC Uploader privacy notice (pdf).
In the first instance they would like to see a one-sheet for an animated series, targeting young audiences between 0-12 (0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12 or any combination of these targets). This should give them a sense of the premise, tone and world you’d like to develop. It can include both illustration and narrative but should be no longer than one side of A4.
Process and key dates
The deadline for submitting initial ideas is 11.59pm on Wednesday 1 September 2021.
All ideas will then be reviewed and shortlisted by the BBC Children’s Animation team and a panel comprising of the Director of Children’s and Education, Heads of Commissioning and Acquisitions for 0-6’s and 7-12’s and the Animation Development Executive will choose up to 20 ideas to receive funding for first stage development. .
This first stage development will comprise of creating a short series bible, a two-minute script, character designs and key background design.
They will then select up to six projects for second stage development.
The second stage will comprise creating a second two minute script, full pitch bible, character and background designs, a two minute animatic and animated test.
Up to three development projects will then be selected to go on to third stage development. This will consist of producing a two-minute broadcast quality animation pilot.
Projects will then be considered for commission by the relevant BBC Children’s Head of Commissioning and Acquisitions.
For more detailed information on how the scheme will work and your eligibility to participate please go to their website and read the Terms of Use (pdf).
Download the BBC Uploader privacy notice (pdf)
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Monday, August 23, 2021
BBC Children’s Animation is looking for fresh, bold, innovative new animation ideas
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