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Imagined Theatres is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal and archive, dedicated to imagining what might be possible and impossible in the theatre.
We publish scripts, scores, stories, manifestoes, and essays, in prose and in verse. These texts are paired with a critical response, or “gloss,” extending the argument or view of each imagined theatre in new directions.
Imagined Theatres supports creative criticism, meaning creative work that acts critically and criticism that acts creatively. The journal releases issues annually, with thematic issues comprised of entries solicited from guest editors, and un-themed issues devoted to user submissions.
We are currently accepting submissions for our first open call issue. The deadline for submissions to issue #03 will be March 1st, 2019.
Prospective authors are encouraged to explore the website, as well as the book Imagined Theatres, for a sense of possible approaches, bearing in mind that these are merely suggestions. We emphasize the written word, but are open to submissions that take advantage of the digital form in interesting ways.
Submissions should include 1-2 pieces. We encourage the publication of shorter work, though there is not prescribed word limit. While the themed issues pair each theatre with a response (or “gloss”), open submissions do not need to include glosses. Of course, you are welcome to submit both a theatre and its gloss if you would like. You are also welcome to submit independent glosses that respond to previously published texts; in this instance, please let us know which text you are referencing.
We accept submissions via email at submissions@imaginedtheatres.com. All submissions should include contact information, a brief contributor’s bio, and the word “submission” in the title of the email.
Please send your work as an attachment in one of the following formats:
For more information, please write info@imaginedtheatres.com.
Imagined Theatres is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal and archive, dedicated to imagining what might be possible and impossible in the theatre.
We publish scripts, scores, stories, manifestoes, and essays, in prose and in verse. These texts are paired with a critical response, or “gloss,” extending the argument or view of each imagined theatre in new directions.
Imagined Theatres supports creative criticism, meaning creative work that acts critically and criticism that acts creatively. The journal releases issues annually, with thematic issues comprised of entries solicited from guest editors, and un-themed issues devoted to user submissions.
We are currently accepting submissions for our first open call issue. The deadline for submissions to issue #03 will be March 1st, 2019.
Prospective authors are encouraged to explore the website, as well as the book Imagined Theatres, for a sense of possible approaches, bearing in mind that these are merely suggestions. We emphasize the written word, but are open to submissions that take advantage of the digital form in interesting ways.
Submissions should include 1-2 pieces. We encourage the publication of shorter work, though there is not prescribed word limit. While the themed issues pair each theatre with a response (or “gloss”), open submissions do not need to include glosses. Of course, you are welcome to submit both a theatre and its gloss if you would like. You are also welcome to submit independent glosses that respond to previously published texts; in this instance, please let us know which text you are referencing.
We accept submissions via email at submissions@imaginedtheatres.com. All submissions should include contact information, a brief contributor’s bio, and the word “submission” in the title of the email.
Please send your work as an attachment in one of the following formats:
- Word document (.doc) files
- Rich Text Format (.rtf) files
- Text (.txt) files
- Portable Document Format (.pdf) files
- JPEG, TIFF, PNG for image files
- There are no submission fees, publication fees, or page charges for this journal. All work must be original; copyrighted images or media will not be published.
For more information, please write info@imaginedtheatres.com.