In cooperation with Write Out Loud and in association with the Playwrights Project, the Descendants of Early San Diego announced a play writing project where submissions are to be used for TwainFest at Old Town San Diego State Park August 2017.
The Descendants of Early San Diego (Formerly known as the Old Town San Diego Descendants Group or Committee), announces that they are soliciting submissions of short monologues for presentation specifically for TwainFest to be held at Old Town San Diego State Park in August annually. TwainFest is an annual event celebrating the 1800’s with a specific focus on literature from that period, which is sponsored by Write Out Loud.
The Descendants of Early San Diego (Formerly known as the Old Town San Diego Descendants Group or Committee), announces that they are soliciting submissions of short monologues for presentation specifically for TwainFest to be held at Old Town San Diego State Park in August annually. TwainFest is an annual event celebrating the 1800’s with a specific focus on literature from that period, which is sponsored by Write Out Loud.
This is part of the ongoing activities of the Descendants Group to celebrate the people who helped develop the area we know as the greater San Diego Region. Submissions of original monologues from 3 to 10 minutes in length are being solicited for possible inclusion in the activities of TwainFest, and possible other educational / entertainment presentations celebrating the targeted historical period.
The monologues are to depict real people who actually lived in the Region, share with the audience their individual stories and to get a glimpse of life in the 1800’s. Previous works have told the story of specific people and explored such topics as: Toys of the 1800’s, Women Gambling acceptable in California, the Cattle Industry of Early California, the changing of the flag from Spain to Mexico, the real life people that the legion of Zorro is based on among others. Monologues are to be written in the first person as spoken by the actual person who lived in the period speaking to a group of people who have come to San Diego. The piece should assume the character knows nothing of today’s events or evolution. The life of the character must be historically accurate and the slice of life must also be accurate. Topics of inclusion may include historical events of the day, foods, clothing, politics, customs, lifestyles, daily chores, transportation, social interactions, etc. The selected pieces will be performed by compensated actors during the activities of TwainFest and performed several times during the course of the day’s activities.
Set up of piece should be introducing themselves to a group by identifying themselves then telling their story. Within the context of their speaking they will share something about life in California during the 1800’s. Previous works have welcomed guests to San Diego and asked if they are looking for cattle or if they might be interested in gambling, then proceeded to expand on themselves and their slice of life. A committee from Write Out Loud, Playwrights Project, and the Descendants of Early San Diego will review submitted material to select pieces which will be compensated at $100 each script. We look to find 2 – 3 new scripts a year. Depending on the quality of submissions there is no specific limitation on awarded scripts. The committee may refer a script for assistance with the Playwrights Project, not be included at this time or compensated for submission. Compensated scripts and authors will be announced at the annual Descendants Reunion weekend which is held the last weekend of June yearly.
Submissions will be accepted from anyone but must meet the criteria for the project.
August (dates to be announced and may be expanded to more than one day) performances of pieces at TwainFest activities
Criteria for submitted pieces/monologues
- Depict a person who actually lived in the San Diego Region during the 1800’s with factual information about them.
- Length of piece should be between 3 and 10 minutes of actual performance time.
- The piece should be written in the first person from the perspective of the historical person identified.
- The piece must also include something about the times, either: events, culture, music, foods, clothing, customs, social interactions of the times, weapons, tools, transportation, etc. within the context of what the character says. It should be informative but remain primarily as entertainment. This is not meant to be a lecture or lesson but will gently inform the audience about the target period of history while also entertaining them.
- Submissions must be received by email or by mail to Project Manager, Victor C. Contreras at or 110 N. 2nd Ave. #65, Chula Vista, Ca. 91910. Deadline for accepted submissions is May 31. (Mailed items will not be returned)
- Authors of submitted material selected for compensation agree to authorize The Descendants of Early San Diego and Write Outloud to present the piece with a compensated performer without further compensation.
- Compensated scripts will be paid $100 per script. Compensated performers will be compensated at a rate of $125 per day of performance.
- All decisions including casting will be the purview of the joint committee with weighted votes for the Event Director of Twainfest, Project Manager, within the committee with representation from the Descendants of Early San Diego, Write Out Loud, and the Playwrights Project.