Park Square Theatre welcomes script submissions for consideration in upcoming seasons. Before submitting, please carefully consider whether the script fits our mission and recent production history. We are particularly interested in submissions by women and writers of color. We are also always looking for good “cross-over” pieces that can play to both a general adult audience and offer rich content for school matinees.
Submission Process
Please include a one-page treatment and a 10-page excerpt from the script (full scripts are preferred.) If the submission is a musical, a CD or digital file can accompany the script.
The treatment should include:
- A brief synopsis of the plot line
- Cast size
- Any special production requirements
- A brief note explaining why you believe the play fits Park Square Theatre’s mission
Electronic submissions are preferred.
Email materials to
Or, send via regular mail to:
Park Square Theatre
Attn: New Play Development
408 St. Peter Street, Suite 110
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Scripts that intrigue us will be routed through our group of 30 community playreaders and will be evaluated by at least three reviewers.
Much as we’d love to, we cannot respond to every submission. If we have questions or would like to proceed with your script, we will contact you when the time is right. Please do not contact us to inquire about the status of your script.
New play ideas
We often commission new work based on ideas from a variety of sources, often literature. If you are a playwright or community member with a story you believe should be told on our stage, please submit a short paragraph description along with any relevant research.
Email ideas and information to