web site
Go to the World Wildlife Fund worldwildlife.org/species or CITES cites.org/eng/gallery/species/index.html and choose one or more species (Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Flora & Fauna, or Invertebrates). The species must be integral to the plot, not just mentioned. Astonish the audience with the magnificence of the species – take us on an adventure – make us laugh, make us cry, make us weep if they're gone – motivate the audience to save them!
8-10 plays will be selected for a Staged Reading at a California theatre, with an award of $100 USD for each play. Multiple playwrights/Translators on a single play will divide the award equally (unless they request a different division). The audiences’ “ticket” will be a donation to a specified non-profit Wildlife Conservancy. There is No Entry Fee.
Entries must be received by midnight November 30, 2015.
Winners and Finalists will be announced by May 31, 2016 via e-mail and on the SES website. One submission per playwright. Plays must be in English, or have been translated into English. SES does not offer critiques.
Plays may be Comedic, Dramatic, or for Young Audiences (performed by adult actors). No adaptations or musicals. Maximum 4 actors – no elaborate props, swinging trapezes, or flaming torches, please.
Playwrights must hold the copyright. Legal clearance of materials not in public domain is the playwright's responsibility. Previously produced plays are accepted, published plays are not. Playwrights are obligated to inform SES if their play becomes published after submission. Plays with any contractual commitments, which restricts SES in any way, are not accepted. SES reserves the right to decide what is restrictive.
Include on the Title page: your Name, Address, Phone Number and e-mail – On the 2nd page: Cast List, Location/Time; Name of the Species; CITES Appendix I, II, or III; and any Playwright’s Notes/Glossaries.
Electronic submissions please
Submit the full script as an e-mail attachment (Word Doc. or pdf format) to Nikki Harmon sesprize@yahoo.com
Put your Name; Contact info; Name of the Endangered Species in the body of the e-mail. In the subject line put “SCRIPT SUBMISSION” and the “Title of your Play”
If you have any problems sending your script let us know - we'll figure it out. sesquestions@yahoo.com
SES reserves the right to cancel the competition if not enough plays meet the mandate and artistic caliber required for presentation. If canceled, an announcement will be made via e-mail and on the website.
All winning playwrights are invited to the Staged Reading. Travel and accommodations are not included in the Prize.
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
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