Alumnae Theatre Company’s New Ideas Festival (NIF) is an annual, three-week juried festival of new plays, works-in-progress and experimental theatre. Each week a different program of up to four plays, as well as a workshopped reading on Saturday at noon, is presented. The 2016 festival, NIF’s 28th season, will run from March 9 to 27, 2016.
NIF offers dramaturgical support, rehearsal and production space, technical support, access to Alumnae Theatre’s costume and props collections, publicity and sold-out houses.
When to Submit:
We are now accepting scripts and proposals for the 2016 festival. The deadline for submissions is September 5, 2015; September 15 for Alumnae members. Preference will be given to Canadian scripts and scripts with challenging roles for women of all ages. NIF welcomes voices from diverse communities. We invite you to submit your own play or pass this information along to a playwright you think may be interested.
Submission Guidelines:
Scripts or proposals should be submitted electronically in PDF or Word format to Scripts must be original works that have not been previously performed outside of a workshop. They may be in any genre or style, with a running time of 10 to 40 minutes; one act of a full-length play may also be accepted for production. Submissions longer than 40 minutes will only be considered for a reading, which will showcase the script development accomplished during the rehearsal period. Each playwright may submit a maximum of two scripts.
Please include a cover page with the script/proposal, providing the play title, a list and description of characters (including age), and a short play synopsis. Send a separate contact page with the play title, playwright’s name and contact information, and a short bio (75 words or less). NIF does not provide feedback on submissions.
NIF will confirm receipt of submissions within two weeks, and scripts/proposals will be sent to the NIF reading committee. The 2016 festival lineup will be announced in early November, followed by a creative exchange on November 14 to meet and choose directors, and cold reads of all chosen plays on December 7 to 11. Playwrights must be available for the creative exchange and for at least one of the December cold reads dates.