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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

On the Edge: A Festival of New Plays.

Colorado playwrights preferred but not required.

The Edge Theater is proud to announce the call for submissions for On the Edge: A Festival of New Plays.

This is a 3 week long festival where 3 plays will be work-shopped at The Edge over the course of the next year and then produced in a Workshop Presentation in 2016. Plays will be voted on by the audience in attendance and judges from The Edge. One play from the Festival (selected by the audience and Edge judges) will be given a full production in an upcoming Edge season or writer may choose a cash prize instead. 

Scripts are being accepted from now until midnight, April 30, 2015.

Submission Guidelines are as follows:
1. Playwright may only submit ONE full-length script to be reviewed blind by a panel of 3 judges
2. The play must not have ever had a fully mounted production. Prior workshop presentations are okay, but the script must be a new version.
3. Submission must include:
a. Full copy of script (without playwright contact info)
b. Character breakdown (without playwright contact info)
c. Short synopsis of script (300 word limit without playwright contact info)
d. Resume
e. Cover letter addressing why play fits mission statement of The Edge, if accepted what you would
gain from the workshop production, and how you heard about the call for submissions

***Contact info must be listed ONLY on resume and cover letter, not on script or any other
documents (submissions will be read blind). All documents should include Title of the Play, no
playwright contact info***

4. Submissions must be emailed (Word or PDF files only) to submissions@theedgetheater.com with the words 2015 ON THE EDGE SUBMISSION in the Subject line. Also, 1 copy of all requested materials must be mailed to Rick Yaconis, ATTN: 2015 On The Edge Submission, 233 S. Washington Street, Denver, CO 80209. Please be sure to submit all info in ONE email with multiple attachments or ONE envelope. Plays submitted without all supporting materials requested will be disqualified.
5. We recommend the playwright reside in the Greater Denver area or be able to travel to the On Your Feet sessions and rehearsals as needed if selected at their own expense. Colorado playwrights preferred.

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