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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Far Off Places seeks drama

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Submissions are now open for Volume II, Issue I of Far Off Places, with the theme Sartorial. Is your protagonist a Dedicated Follower of Fashion, or did (s)he inherit a grandmother’s brown suede gloves with a tale to tell? Whatever stories are whispered within your wardrobe, we want to read them!

If you have a piece of writing that is simply stellar but that doesn’t quite fit in the following guidelines, do get in touch. Rules, after all, were made to be broken.

We’re happy to publish short writing in a variety of forms, including poetry, flash fiction, and short-form prose and drama. Poetry should be no more than 40 lines. We accept prose and drama of up to 3000 words. You’re welcome to submit up to three poems or one piece of prose or drama.

Do have a read of one of our earlier issues to see what kind of thing we’re looking for!

A plea: try not to title your work with the theme of the issue - naming it something else will make it stand out!

Send pieces to submissions@faroffplaces.org as a Microsoft Word or plain text-document, or in the body of a sanely-formatted email.

The deadline for submissions is midnight on New Year’s Eve.

The nitty gritty
All written submissions may be subject to a (short! friendly!) editorial process.

Authors will keep the copyright of their work, but we may use accepted for promotion of Far Off Places. (We will try to let you know when this is the case though!) We’ll happily accept submissions which have been previously self-published, e.g. on your own website or blog.

We’ll make acceptance decisions and get back to you within six weeks of our submission deadline. We consider and give feedback on all submissions, so if you haven’t heard from us by then give us a shout. We welcome simultaneous submissions but would appreciate a heads-up so we can prioritise your piece (within reason!).

We’re currently unable to pay for published work but will happily treat you to a beverage of your choice next time we see you. All published writers will also receive a complimentary digital copy of the magazine. If you have any questions, world-shattering revelations or bad jokes you’d like to share, feel free to write to us. Or write us anyway; we’re pretty social folk.

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