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Monday, July 9, 2012

Protecting your work in the electronic age

Tom Tirney, Board President of the Philadelphia Dramatists Center & Philadelphia Regional Representative of Dramatists Guild of America announces:

Protecting one's work has never been more important than now in the age of electronic distribution.  Copyright law continues to evolve at break-neck speed as the Internet promulgates new opportunities for dramatists even as digital technologies make it that much easier to steal.  

Please join us for a conversation with Ralph Sevush, Executive Director of the Dramatists Guild about this relevant and fascinating topic. Also joining us will be Rich Amada, a practicing lawyer and playwright who specializes in intellectual property. Rich also has a blog (www.artfuljurist.com) devoted to fair use,  a subset of copyright law that has exploded with the proliferation of the Internet. 

Nancy McClernan of Mergatroyd Productions will also be present to speak about her struggles to protect her own work in the courts. Nancy is a Philadelphia-born, New York-based playwright with several productions to her name. She can be found at www.nycplaywrights.org, an organization she founded to help writers develop their work. Her article about the lawsuit, which she wrote for the September-October 2006 issue of The Dramatist can be read online here.

This should be a valuable and entertaining meeting. We hope you can join us on July 15, 7PM at the Adrienne Theatre on 2030 Sansom Street.  Please RSVP with Tom Tirney at ttirney@dramatistsguild.com.  

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