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Monday, November 28, 2011

November 2011 Play of the Month: HIGH ON EMMA SAFFORD by Nancy Brewka-Clark

The November 2011 Play of the Month is HIGH ON EMMA SAFFORD by Nancy Brewka-Clark. Performed by Carolyn Paine and Abe Lebovic. Thanks everybody for your time and talent.

Nancy Brewka-Clark on the origins of the play:
I attended the dedication of Emma Safford's new gravestone a few years ago with various members of the Cape Cod Wampanoags who held a powwow first. Then we all marched through downtown Ipswich carrying a street-wide banner honoring Emma and smoked the peace pipe at her grave, except I had to turn the pipe down because I'd quit smoking. All the people mentioned in the dialogue actually existed historically.
For more information about Nancy and the cast see the Play of the Month page.

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