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Contest closes Dec. 31, 2011
Play Submission Guidelines
Each year the InspiraTO Festival accepts ten-minute play submissions based on a theme on one of the senses. This year's theme is on VISION.
Here's what we need from you, our potential playwright:
A ten-minute play script (not shorter than 8 minutes and not longer than 10 minutes). The sense of *vision (sight) must be an important element of the play.
We accept previously produced plays. The playwright must own the rights to the play up to the end of June 2012 (i.e. plays cannot be owned by a publisher). Any style is acceptable except musicals. Submissions are open to everyone without age and geographic restriction.
There is no submission fee. You may only enter ONE play (so make it count).
To submit your play go to the "submit your play to" link below and:
1. Fill out the submission form, completely.
2. Attach your script in a WORD document or in a PDF file. Hit "submit". The WORD document must be compatible with Window XP. (Note: Vista & Mac formats are not compatible).
3. The cover page should have the title of the play, the playwright's name and the list of characters. The pages should be numbered.
Submit your play to (click on the link): http://inspiratofestival.ca/write-a-play2.php
All submissions must be emailed by midnight (E.S.T.), December 31, 2011. Only those playwrights whose plays have been selected will be notified by January 25, 2012. The plays will be selected by a committee from the Toronto theatre community.
If selected, your play will be performed in Toronto, Canada in June 2012. Between 10 -18 ten-minute plays will be selected and performed. 1st Prize: $500 CDN.
Should your play be selected for inclusion in the festival, you are giving the non-exclusive right to Theatre InspiraTO to produce and perform the play in the 7th Annual InspiraTO Festival (Toronto Canada), in the first two weeks of June 2012 (five performances plus a finale). The InspiraTO Festival will find the cast, crew and market your play.
Authors retain copyright and full ownership of their plays.
The InspiraTO Festival, Canada's largest ten-minute play festival, now entering its seventh season, has produced 82 ten-minute plays with over 190 actors and 80 directors participating. The festival is dedicated to producing high quality ten-minute plays and making theatre more accessible to both audiences and theatre artists.
*A reminder:
The submission must be a play. A ten-minute play is distinct from a sketch, or a skit; it is a compact play, with a beginning, middle and an end. You need a character facing obstacles in pursuit of some specific goal. You need rising action, conflict, and a climactic moment. Your play must tell a complete story.
The submission must be 10 minutes. Generally speaking scripts (including the stage directions, character names and dialogue) that are over 1,900 words are more than ten minutes long on stage. This does not mean that all plays under 1,900 words are under ten minutes. So be wise - use Word Count. It also helps to read the play out loud and time it (keeping in mind all the pauses). You don't want your hard work rejected because it was too long.
The submission must include the theme of "vision/sight" and be integral to the play. Use your imagination i.e. the image of a past lover inspires a character to leave home; a ‘lost dream' fuels a character to action; characters in a play see a burning forest etc. "Vision" or "sight" re-enforces the theme, message or acts as a metaphor for the play.
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
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