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Play Publishing: How do I get my play or musical published?
Playwright Submission Guidelines for Eldridge Plays and Musicals
Please submit plays and musicals suitable for performance by community theatres and junior and senior high schools. We welcome shows on all subjects, however, shows with explicit adult content or graphically defined situations do not fit our market. For musicals, please include a CD of at least several songs and sample pages from the score.
Include a cover letter giving us a brief description of the story of the play, its running time, its performance history, and if it has earned any awards. In addition, we would like to know a little about your writing experience.
Let us know if this is a simultaneous submission.
Our standard royalty contract is 50% of royalties and 10% of copy sales. Playwrights are paid twice a year. Outright purchase contracts are limited to extremely short pieces (such as skits) and some religious plays.
We receive hundreds of manuscripts a year and want to give each careful attention and review. That's why it takes us about 2 months to respond. Please do not send more than one script or collection book at a time, as flooding us with your work will not be to your benefit.
You may submit via e-mail or by snail-mail.
Using your cover letter as the message, attached your play as a Microsoft Word or PDF document and e-mail to this special address: NewWorks@histage.com.
Susan Shore, New Plays Editor
Eldridge Publishing Co. Inc.
PO Box 14367
Tallahassee FL 32317
(Please do not use certified or registered mail. It actually takes longer to receive. Include a self-addressed, stamped postcard if you’d like verification of delivery. For our response, please include your e-mail address or a self-addressed, stamped envelope.)
Special Tips for Submitting
We like all kinds of plays and are always open to new ideas. Generally speaking, our customers like plays with more female than male roles or flexible casting in which roles can be played by either men or women. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, however.
Don’t worry too much about formatting—just be sure to number your pages. Our editors are more concerned with content.
We strongly recommend having your script workshopped, read, or performed. Scripts rewritten after this process are of a much higher caliber.
Include any reviews, production photos, or DVDs, if available.
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Blog Archive
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- 15th ANNUAL Festival of One-Act Plays
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- Short Play Lab submissions
- Eldridge Plays & Musicals submission info
- Play of the Month - May 2011
- April 2011 Play of the Month: TRANS-FORMATION by E...
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- Bruce Barton Passion Play