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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Free Dramatists Guild downloads: Inclusion and Negotiation

Dramatists Guild Inclusion Rider

Free for members and non-members

As part of our commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable, inclusive, accessible, and anti-racist industry, we have crafted a new and groundbreaking Dramatists Guild Inclusion Rider to support all dramatists and producers who have a desire to exercise these principles in the hiring of personnel involved in their productions.

The Dramatists Guild Inclusion Rider is intended to facilitate a conversation between playwright, composer, lyricist, or librettist and the producer about equitable hiring practices. For those dramatists who choose to use the rider, we strongly recommend you broach the subject of diverse, equitable and inclusive hiring with producers before sending them any contract language, in order to explore the possibilities of collaborating with them to address these concerns. This discussion can be awkward and uncomfortable, but if you approach producers in an open and collegial manner, it could prove to work to your mutual benefit.

The Art of Negotiating Theater Contracts

Free for members

The Dramatists Guild's new guide on The Art of Negotiating Theatre Contracts ensures that you know your rights as a dramatist, that you understand the current market (including how new media has impacted the industry), and that you recognize what employees get vs. what you get in a negotiation.

In addition, to address your diversity, equity, and inclusion needs, we recommend beginning the negotiation process with a pre-contract conversation that focuses on the sharing and aligning of values between the dramatist and the theatre. If inclusion is a priority for you, know that you have the right to assert your own vision when it comes to choosing the cast and creative team. Finally, we also offer up ten helpful questions to ask yourself at the start of a negotiation and we explain the power of "No."

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