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Accepting Submissions September 4th – 25th 2019
Mabou Mines’ performance initiative SUITE/Space, now in its third year, provides artistic mentorship, rehearsal space, and public performances in our state-of-the-art, 99-seat theater to two mid-career artists that share Mabou Mines’ commitment to breaking new ground in form and content.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: SUITE/Space is open to artists of color from historically underrepresented communities who exhibit a commitment to experimentation and a collaborative creative process. Multimedia, music, dance, theater, and cross-disciplinary projects are accepted.
Proposed projects should be either previously produced or performance ready.
WHEN: The 2019 SUITE/Space Program will run from October 2019 – February 2020. Submissions open on September 4, 2019 and proposals are due by September 25th, 2019 at midnight.
Two artists will be selected and notified in late October. Final performances will take place
February 18-23, 2020.
To Apply please send the following materials to rap@maboumines.org by October 4, 2019.
*Note: DO NOT submit pertinent application information in the body of your email. All links should be included within the attached application document; information within the text of your email may not be included with your application and may not be reviewed.
Including all parts of the application as one file/document is greatly appreciated.
Accepting Submissions September 4th – 25th 2019
Mabou Mines’ performance initiative SUITE/Space, now in its third year, provides artistic mentorship, rehearsal space, and public performances in our state-of-the-art, 99-seat theater to two mid-career artists that share Mabou Mines’ commitment to breaking new ground in form and content.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: SUITE/Space is open to artists of color from historically underrepresented communities who exhibit a commitment to experimentation and a collaborative creative process. Multimedia, music, dance, theater, and cross-disciplinary projects are accepted.
Proposed projects should be either previously produced or performance ready.
WHEN: The 2019 SUITE/Space Program will run from October 2019 – February 2020. Submissions open on September 4, 2019 and proposals are due by September 25th, 2019 at midnight.
Two artists will be selected and notified in late October. Final performances will take place
February 18-23, 2020.
- A $2500 stipend and a 50-50 box office split.
- 30 hours of rehearsal space in Mabou Mines’ sunlit studio in the East Village.
- Technical and administrative support.
- Studio visits with the program’s artistic advisors.
- 10 hours of technical rehearsal in the theater.
- 3 Performances in a festival-like setting with SUITE/Space artists in Mabou Mines theater.
- Attend all monthly group meetings and work in progress showings. Program schedule will be confirmed at the first meeting
- Provide Mabou Mines’ technical director with tech specs of the project at the start of the program.
- Participate in joint marketing efforts including Facebook posts and an artist takeover of Mabou Mines Instagram.
To Apply please send the following materials to rap@maboumines.org by October 4, 2019.
*Note: DO NOT submit pertinent application information in the body of your email. All links should be included within the attached application document; information within the text of your email may not be included with your application and may not be reviewed.
Including all parts of the application as one file/document is greatly appreciated.
- A two-page description of your project with an artist’s statement on why you think your project would be a good fit at Mabou Mines. Include one paragraph specifying what you need to take your project to the next level.
- Resume of the lead artist/company and any key collaborators.
- Video work sample (max 4 min) preferably of the proposed work. If no documentation of the proposed work is available, please substitute with a video of another representative work. We also appreciate website links and any other supporting material you would like to include.
- Outline your basic technical needs for the project (projections, sound, lighting, dance floor etc.) Indicate whether you are working with designers.
- List collaborators and other key team members.
- Explain how you will contribute to the marketing efforts for the program.
- Provide project history including previous development workshops, residencies, readings and showings.