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The Actors Theatre Playhouse of West Chesterfield, New Hampshire, and Brattleboro, Vermont, is accepting Ten Minute Play Submissions for its Ten Minute Play Festival in June of 2019.
All scripts will be accepted ONLY thru Email at tenplays19@gmail.com
Email is best for us to get your manuscript to our review committees as quickly as possible. Upon acceptable receipt, a return email will confirm your delivery to us.
The deadline for entry of a manuscript is September 30th, 2018.
Six to eight Winners and Alternates will be announced to all participants by early November.
It is with deep regret that we cannot offer any financial prizes at this time. The winners will receive production of their play as part of our next Ten-Minute Play Festival and multiple tickets should the authors be able to attend.
Ten-minute plays should play in one scene, have minimal scenic requirements, not exceed ten-twelve pages in length and have two to six characters.
The goal of the Festival is both to encourage the production of new works from regional writers while exposing our actors and directors to the techniques and practices of working with playwrights and producing new plays.
The Actors Theatre Playhouse of West Chesterfield, New Hampshire, and Brattleboro, Vermont, is accepting Ten Minute Play Submissions for its Ten Minute Play Festival in June of 2019.
All scripts will be accepted ONLY thru Email at tenplays19@gmail.com
Email is best for us to get your manuscript to our review committees as quickly as possible. Upon acceptable receipt, a return email will confirm your delivery to us.
The deadline for entry of a manuscript is September 30th, 2018.
Six to eight Winners and Alternates will be announced to all participants by early November.
It is with deep regret that we cannot offer any financial prizes at this time. The winners will receive production of their play as part of our next Ten-Minute Play Festival and multiple tickets should the authors be able to attend.
Ten-minute plays should play in one scene, have minimal scenic requirements, not exceed ten-twelve pages in length and have two to six characters.
The goal of the Festival is both to encourage the production of new works from regional writers while exposing our actors and directors to the techniques and practices of working with playwrights and producing new plays.